Derek DeBoer
We're on Amazon!
Well, here's my extremely sporadic blog post update... I really need to get better about writing more regularly! It's definitely not my strong suit and as a family we are feeling like we're running at a speed that is even beyond what the Fastlife is use to! That being said- Brooke's project has finally come to fruition. We think so anyway! Either way, its up, live, viewable, and sharable on AmazonPrime- please check it out and leave a review. We're not sure how to measure the success yet, but we're hearing great things and know that the more views, shares and reviews it receives will help move it into more living rooms and big screens:) Here's the link: http://amzn.to/2quS1RW We hope you love it and that our vision of helping others realize that its o.k. and even healthy to get a little bit scared, a lot outside of the box, and go chase those crazy dreams that you have hidden inside. Enjoy and good luck!
Oh ya- some cool clothing, hats, stickers, etc are going to be coming out as well... Our original and first hats are available now- go here to get yours: http://bit.ly/2r8wxqa
Thank you- Derek
Article Credit: Derek DeBoer